Geology Journals
Electronic Journals (library subscriptions)
Off-campus access to RPCC Library e-resources requires log-in with LoLA username or ID, and 6-digit birth date (MMDDYY).
Geology eJournals from the library
Geology eJournals from Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Open Access eJournals
Journal of Geography and Geology
Shelf Periodicals (library owned, at Gonzales campus)
Natural History magazine (also available in the library catalog in eletronic format)
Current issue and most recent two years available in Serials Display (Gonzales location)
1999-2020 issues in bound format on the shelf: QH1 .N13
Nature journal (bound back issues on the shelf)
1998-2007 issues (some missing) in bound format on the shelf: Q1 .N2
Scientific American magazine
Current and previous year available in Serials Display (Gonzales location)
2001 - 2020 issues in bound format on the shelf: T1 .S5
Smithsonian magazine
2003-2021 issues available in bound format on the shelf.